1. He is attempting to pull off the legendary Edward Bouffant.

Clearly, Edward's bouffant is sexier. This has been scientifically determined from the ratio of gel to sexiness, and the ratio of effort in being sexy to achieved sexiness. These are the results:
Edward: ratio of gel to sexiness-> 0:10
ratio of effort to actual sexiness-> 1:10
Zac: ratio of gel to sexiness-> 7 :6
ratio of effort to actual sexiness-> 10:1
In Conclusion, although Zac Efron puts forth a great deal of gel and effort to equal the sexiness of the Edward bouffant, our results show that he was unsuccessful.
2. Zac Efron poses for GQ shortly after Robert Pattinson does

Need I say anything? Rob is drop dead "do-me-right-now" sexy, while Zac looks like a little boy about to jump up and down screaming "Gee whiz daddy look at me!"
3. Zac is getting caught by the popparazzi in the same positions as Taylor Lautner.

Need I say anything? Rob is drop dead "do-me-right-now" sexy, while Zac looks like a little boy about to jump up and down screaming "Gee whiz daddy look at me!"

Really, Zac, really? Sorry, but Edward's been 17 for "awhile" now.
So, there you have it folks. Zac Efron is clearly trying to copy the style of our favorite Twilight hunks, and failing. Stay tuned to what he tries next.
funny! :)